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Celebrate Your Shero: A Different Perspective

Sometimes you’re impacted by ‘something’ because of the positive influence it has on others.

Perhaps you know this ‘something’ directly... or perhaps it’s just an existence you’ve stumbled upon and you can tell, this ‘something’ is there to do greatness and shine a light in this world for others to see.

Because there’s an importance, a significance and a brilliance that’s being highlighted in what this ‘something’ is doing. And the impact of this ‘something’ also pushes you to do better because this something in its own right, is a shero.

A shero is most frequently used to describe a female admired or idealized for her courage. It’s defined as,

shero. ˈSHirō,ˈSHērō/ ‘a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a heroine. a woman regarded as a hero.’

Shero’s are everyday people that come in many forms. Race, culture, gender or age doesn’t matter. A shero can be lots of things, but the title is bestowed upon them because they’ve earned it.

The first blog of this series, “Celebrate Your Shero,” focused on personal family shero’s. The second blog, “Celebrate Your Shero: A Local Warrior” focused on a local influencer in my community. Part III of this series, “Celebrate Your Shero: A Young Fierce Female,” focused on a young woman who’s fighting the fight of her life.

I’ve thought a lot about shero’s this month. There are so many phenomenal women I could write about... I could write a blog a week for the rest of the year and still have a long list to cover. There are that many. Some of them are famous, some not at all. But each of them has left a mark on my heart, and made an impact that in some form or another, I’d like to think ultimately, helps to make me a better person. In the final blog of this series however, I’m mixing things up a bit. I’m not highlighting an individual woman... Instead, I’m focusing on a couple of organizations who are doing amazing things to invest, support and do better for women, as a whole.. I think these types of organizations take the concept of a shero to a whole new level.

The list of organizations I admire, for all they do to advocate, uplift and empower women is also quite long. Too long, I’ll say, to list them all here (hit me up if you’re interested in learning about more)! However, a couple of organizations stand out that I’d like to share with you now. The first one, I simply like what they stand for. The second one, I currently interreact and collaborate with.

BE A SHERO stands for Boldly, Elevating, Awareness, Supporting, Humanity, Equality, Rights and Oneness. I actually recently stumbled upon this organization in my quest for shero topics. As a firm advocate to promote awareness about human trafficking, I was struck by the authentic and amazing work they are doing on their own, and in conjunction with other organizations, to stop this horrific type of behavior.

B.E. A SHERO Foundation is a volunteer-driven organization based in the Las Vegas Valley. It’s an organization founded out of necessity, along with a desire to protect and rehabilitate girls and young women under the age of 25, who’ve been victimized by the evils of sex trafficking and exploitation. B.E. A SHERO partners with other like-minded organizations to provide the tools and resources necessary to support this vulnerable population and help them rebuild their lives.

With a firm belief that no human should ever be for sale, they offer such things as, tattoo removal, hygiene kits and emergency housing. There are multiple ways to get involved from being a donor, to becoming a SHERO affiliate or volunteering your time. They have a blog and a lot of other educational resources. Click here to learn more about this amazing organization.

The headline across the HERicanes website boldly declares, “Raising girls who thrive in their own skin.” Yes, Yes, YES, Queen! 👸🏻

With a focus on, unraveling social norms and paradigms that limit and marginalize girls, based on gender. HERicanes was founded on the prevalence of inequities in the treatment and expectations of girls and boys, as well as women and men. This fabulous non-profit is dedicated to empowering girls and young women to not be confined to social constructs in school beliefs, in sports opportunities, in at work assumptions or for behavioral expectations.

I first started collaborating with the HERicanes owners Lara and Gavin Harris last summer, and have been honored to speak at one of their events for the Santa Clara Women’s Golf Team. They specifically focus their work on athletics and team sports but also conduct workshops and have mentorship programs available. Click here to learn more about this amazing organization.

“A HERicane is inspired by HER possibilities. If I can see it, I can be it.”

These two organizations are very different from each other. One focuses on stopping exploitation and the other focuses on promoting equity. Ultimately however, both of these organizations offer support in the form of empowering women,

  • to find their own voice

  • to know their value

  • to be safe

  • to live their best life.

Each of these organizations are forces to be reckoned with. Thank-you, B.E. A SHERO Foundation and HERicanes for your service and for being a shero to so many. You already are. It’s time TO BE.♥️

P.S. As we continue to celebrate Women’s History Month, stay tuned for my blog out next week, “Celebrate Your Shero. Part V!”


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