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2023: My Wish For You.

The past few years have taken a toll, it feels like we’re coming out of hibernation. Things are the same, yet somehow, tremendously different. With this comes a new outlook on how life is viewed. Many are hopeful as they look for something new to embrace.

A new view is not a bad thing. Sometimes, it’s quite necessary, to move forward.

With this in mind, I’m not making a list of things I want to accomplish in the year ahead. I’m focusing instead, on being grateful. Grateful for so many things: family, friends, health, and the life I have. I’m grateful for positivity, perseverance, and the ability to deal with unplanned circumstances that in the long run, will hopefully make me a stronger, better person.

I want the same for you, and more.

My wish for you in this new year.

Be happy in your own skin. When you aren’t, trust me, you won’t find that happiness in others. Kick your inner-she-bully to the curb and don’t invite negativity into your head. Find peace within and know you’re enough, just as you are. Embrace all aspects of your health and absolutely, make it a very first priority. Make time for self-care, relaxation and reflection. If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t be fully present for others.

Be mindful and have the ability to truly ‘be’ in the present. Remember to take a break when you need one, to just be and breathe. Don’t be ugly, but also, stop being so walked-over-polite. Stop saying yes to things that you don’t want to do or that aren’t in your best interest. When needed, it’s ok to set up clear boundaries, to keep you safe.

Stay humble, but bold. You are braver than you know. Face fear head on, take risks and always, keep fighting. Unlearn the negative things you’ve been taught, to get out of your head and trust your heart. May you feel what you need to feel and then let it go. Don’t let ill-will consume you. Forgive to move forward, so that you have peace in your heart.

Run your own race, but don’t play the ‘better than’ game. Welcome positive competition, but in the end, save the hard-core competition for yourself, not others. Always, aim to improve, to be better than you were the day before. Know that some people will never clap for you. Just keep doing what you do best, YOU. It’s in that, you win.

My wish for the next generation of women, our young girls.

Be open-hearted and kind. You’ll encounter people who aren’t, but don’t stoop to their level to get even. Listen to your inner whisper so that your true voice is a constant. Speak loud and proud and be a voice for others, especially, when they don’t have one.

Always be true to yourself, so that the ones looking for you... can find you.

May you always have a tribe of likeminded females by your side. Women that offer genuine friendships that empower you to be your most authentic self. With these circles of women you’ll fine invisible nets of love and support. You’ll carry each other. In challenging times, it’s these fierce females that will help you, get through. When women are ‘for’ one another, worlds can change.

People who want to see you win, will help you win. Remember that. Always.

My wish for all women.

Wellness for women is a collective, communal experience. We need to lean on each other and take off the ‘better than lens.’ May you be an ally and an up-stander to champion others and promote belonging and unity. It’s our duty to imagine a better future so that we can live it.

So that our daughters can live it.

So that we can be better, together.

I hope always, you’re the reason that someone feels welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved and supported. I hope you love yourself. I hope that when you go to bed at night you feel content knowing you did your best, and that the next day, tomorrow, is a chance to do more.

My wish for you in 2023 and always, is to be happy, healthy, loved and living your purpose.

You have the right to thrive.

You have the right to be, just as you are.

You already are. It’s time TO BE.♥️

P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about how to deal with female frenemies, follow me on LinkedIn!

I say that it’s time to be different. It’s time to talk about what female rivalry is, to know how to break it down one action at a time. _________

⁉️Interested in learning how ‘female rivalry’ impacts the workplace? 🎉DOWNLOAD my FREE .pdf guide, ‘5 Reasons WHY Good Women Walk’ to learn more!


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