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Sometimes New Beginnings Start With Good-Bye.

Photo credit: Kat Jones Creative

⁉️Have you ever gone through something where you knew the outcome was pivotal? A decision right for you, but also hard and bittersweet?


My family recently moved. We didn’t have to because we very much loved the house we’d lived in for 13 years. We talked about remodeling it to make it our ‘forever home,’ but that was a BIG project. With the crazy year we’ve had and considering the things in life we actually have control over, one question came to mind... “What could we do to make life less stressful?” A theme soon became clear, ‘cut down our daily commute.’ 


Driving to my home for the last time the song, “Starts With Goodbye,” by Carrie Underwood started playing.


🎶“But when you're standin' at a crossroad. There's a choice you gotta make. I guess it's gonna have to hurt. I guess I'm gonna have to cry. And let go of some things I've loved to get to the other side. I guess it's gonna break me down. Like falling when you try to fly. It's sad, but sometimes movin' on with the rest of your life. Starts with goodbye.”🎶

Kismet. Positive karma. It was fate to hear that song at that particular moment.


During my goodbye visit I strolled outside. I took a journey through my beloved garden and the plants I’d so lovingly cultivated. Inside, I walked through each empty room. It no longer felt like the home we once knew and cherished, it was now a house. 🏡This house, when it was our home, ♥️ was chalk-full of love and fantastic memories. First steps, bicycle rides, birthdays, back-to-school photos on the front porch, holiday decorating, and countless dinners with family and friends on the back patio. It was the only home my son knew.


But it was time to go.


Before leaving I whispered a blessing, optimistic that the new family moving in would feel the love that resonated between these walls. Yes, I was sad but knew this was the best decision for our family. Letting go of something good for the chance at something better can be very hard.


Why was this move so impactful to me? Because it was a BIG change. I specialize in change and when something hits me this hard I like to understand what life-lesson is being presented.


A big change impacts your entire existence. Real life just doesn’t stay at home and work at work, because it’s beyond difficult to compartmentalize these type of things. As I examined the wisdom being presented different thoughts flashed across my mind:

  • letting go

  • embracing fear

  • next steps

  • being mindful

  • new relationships.


⁉️Am I sad to see 2023 go? No! As one of the hardest years of my life, 2023 has taught me so much. It’s also been filled with compassion, love, autonomy, vulnerability, humility and understanding.


A big change is hard, yet it also inspires growth. Managing change requires courage which stems from purpose, confidence, and knowledge that you’re doing the right thing. Feeling comfortable to take risks and freely make decisions without negative consequences, is the state of feeling psychologically safe. And voila! You may have guessed it,  


Psychological Safety is a vital element for being able to thrive

during times of transition.”


Back to that well-timed Carrie Underwood song, as hard as it can be, sometimes new beginnings start with goodbye. When in it, it’s important to embrace all of the feels to understand what this BIG change is teaching you.


As 2023 comes to a close, I look back to this time last year when I’d just found out I had breast cancer, hadn’t shared the news yet, and had no idea what the road ahead looked like. This comes to mind,



Continuing on last year’s theme  I’m not making a list of things I want to accomplish in 2024. I’m focusing instead on being grateful. Grateful for so many things, family, friends, good health, and the life I have. Grateful for positivity, perseverance, and the ability to deal with unplanned circumstances that in the long run, will hopefully make me a stronger, better person.


♥️I hope you’re the reason someone feels welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved and supported. I hope you love yourself. I hope that when you go to bed at night you feel content knowing you did your best, and that the next day, tomorrow, is a chance to do more.


As this year comes to a close, my wish for you in 2024 and always, is to be happy, healthy, loved and living your purpose.♥️


Today I will be fearless. Today I am grateful.

Shine on beautiful people. 🦄


P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about psychological safety and how to deal with female frenemies, follow me on LinkedIn!

I say that it’s time to be different. It’s time to talk about what female rivalry is, to know how to break it down one action at a time.

⁉️Interested in learning how ‘female rivalry’ impacts the workplace? 🎉DOWNLOAD my FREE .pdf guide, ‘5 Reasons WHY Good Women Walk’to learn more!




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